Frequently asked questions

How long does it take a tow truck to get to me?

Technology has advanced and made its way into the towing industry, allowing us to track our trucks in real time providing better ETA less wait time on assistance.

Are you fast, good, and cheap?

We believe you can have two of the three. But nothing that is good and fast is cheap.

What if I do not need a tow?

We provide roadside assistance, such as logout locksmith, battery, jumpstarting, fuel delivery, and tire changes.

Is anything to big for Hanover Wrecker?

We provide light medium, heavy and super duty towing and recovery. 

Is the staff certified and trained nationally?

All of our operators are certified by Towcert with WreckMaster training.

How much does it cost to tow a car 10 miles?

The most common customer answer I would expect is too much. With inflation and the economy spiraling out of control everything is expensive. There’s so many things that happens in 10 miles. If you need assistance, you can get certified and trained staffing with up-to-date equipment and trucks with friendly educated staff or you can call the cheap guys

What if I do not need a tow?

We provide roadside assistance, such as logout locksmith, battery, jumpstarting, fuel delivery, and tire changes.

Is anything to big for Hanover Wrecker?

We provide light medium, heavy and super duty towing and recovery. 

Is the staff certified and trained nationally?

All of our operators are certified by Towcert with WreckMaster training.

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